Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Settling In

I'm here! I moved in to my new home 11 days ago, started my new job 1 week ago, and have been settling in ever since. I still haven't unpacked most of my boxes, and I don't have much food in my kitchen to speak of, but I have spent quality time with friends and have been reacquainting myself with the area where I lived for a short time a few years ago. I love it here! There is so much to do and see..Sunday was Darin's birthday, so on Saturday, we went to the zoo, where I hadn't been in years! The weather was perfect. We had so much fun! A few weeks ago, before I moved here, we visited the Botanic Gardens..there are museums, shopping malls, restaurants, a giant library..and I just don't have enough free time to do it all! As for work..well, it'll take some time, but I'm getting there. Everyone's super nice and patient, which I appreciate a lot. We've found a church that seems to be a great fit (the one Darin's been going to), and Sunday, ran into the lady who hired me..apparently she's gone to that same church for 20 years! God's been moving, for sure. A few days ago I got my acceptance letter to U of M..I'll be a transient student for now, meaning taking online courses for no credit. They're not required, but I feel like they'll be helpful for my grad program, giving me more confidence, and also help me decide if I want to do professional writing or creative writing. So much going on..I'm exhausted, but blessed :) I'm missing those that I left, but feel certain that this is where I'm supposed to be, for now. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Moving On

It's been a while since I wrote anything. Well, a lot has happened since then! I got a job, I got a house, and I'm moving in 5 days! But I'm not freaking out or anything.. :P Actually, even though it's pretty stressful to try to move and get everything done in such a short amount of time, I'm not too worried. God has worked everything out so far, in his perfect timing (that, I'll be honest, I was beginning to doubt a bit), so why would he just leave me hanging now? I'm blessed with family and friends and a wonderful boyfriend (the reason for my move :) who love me, and whom I love dearly, and I know everything will be fine. I'm sad to leave my friends and work and church families here, but it's really time. There's just not anything more here for me. I've been blessed by my time here, and hopefully been something of a blessing, now I want to go where there is more (visible) need and opportunity. So, I'll be living in a new home, in a new(ish) town, starting a new job and a new school (in Jan), and making new friends, but I'll be serving the same God. The one who doesn't change, and who doesn't leave or give up.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Things I Love: A Reprise

So, I recently wrote a post that was simply a list of things I love. I thought it was silly, just something fun to do. Then, I went to a new Wednesday night Bible class on the Psalms. In class the teacher had us write a list of things that make us happy. After we finished, she pointed out that this is a list of things that God gives us to remind us that he loves us. Little things that remind us that he delights in us, as we should delight in him. And on days when things just aren't going so well (like in my last post), he might send us just that little happy to get us through the day. What's on your list? (no, really..I want to know!) Remember to thank him for those things! :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bad Days And Stuff

Bad days happen. Today was one of those days..and I didn't handle it very gracefully. So, I could list all the things that went wrong, or I could ruminate on how God uses bad days to bring us closer to him, or how the way I acted was the opposite of what he would have me do. But instead, I think I'll tell a joke. 

After a hard day of drilling, the drill sergeant let the troops go. "All right, you idiots, report to the mess hall." Everybody walked away, sweating and their heads down, thankful for the end of the hard day. Only one private remained. He looked at the officer and sincerely said, "Boy, there sure were a lot of them, huh, sarge."

On a completely different note, I've decided to go back to school, but I am torn between elementary education and linguistics. I'm ready to start now, but I can't yet. First I need to move to Memphis (U of M has the linguistics program I'm looking at) and establish residency (out-of-state tuition is double in-state!). Plus, I'm in the middle of paying off old student loans, and really don't want to add to them, but I may not have any choice. If I don't go back to school, I'll be stuck in jobs for the rest of my life that I'm just not that into. 

Speaking of jobs, I had an interview in Memphis yesterday. Finally. I've been trying to move there since Darin moved back there, because I miss him! Anyway, I think the interview went well, but they still have others to talk to. Prayers are appreciated for a job, school, etc! Thanks :)

Hope everyone else had a great day! And if not, hope the joke made you smile :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Things I Love: A List

Some things I love. In no particular order. And not including people :)
Diet Coke
A cool breeze on a sunny day
Long, hot showers
Free stuff
Making people happy
A good book
Super sweet tea
Days off
My birthday
Getting dressed up
Pinterest (google it..)

This list is in no way comprehensive..just whatever came to me in the moment :) What do you love?

Monday, September 5, 2011

First Post

So..this is my first post and I have no idea how to start! But writing that sentence was a good beginning. Maybe this is a good time to talk about how I rarely finish anything I start. Because after this one, who knows when the next time will be! I've discovered that I'm generally a good starter, but not the best finisher, and I'm not sure why that is. I have many bags of craft items that I used a few times, got really excited about, then got bored with very quickly. My entire apartment is half clean because that's when I got bored. So I guess the theme is..boredom. I quit when I get bored. I even started reading a devotional book 'every night' (because I'm not committed enough to read the actual Bible) until I got bored with it. How sad is that? Thank God he doesn't get bored with us! No matter how lazy I get, no matter how little time I give to Him, He always takes me back when I'm ready to try again. I know it's cliche, but cliches are cliche for a reason..they're generally true. Anyway, like I said, I know it's cliche, but if I didn't talk to my boyfriend unless I started feeling guilty or wanted something, that relationship wouldn't be so great. And it's the same way with God. If I don't keep up my end of the relationship, it's not going to grow and change the way it needs to. But if I just get over myself and do what I know I need to do, I am guaranteed a lasting, loving relationship. "Come near to God and he will come near to you." James 4:8
God, I come asking you to draw near to me as I try to draw nearer to you. Please be patient with me, and please fill my heart with the desire to serve you and love you as you deserve. Thank you for knowing and answering my prayer before I even asked. Amen.