Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bad Days And Stuff

Bad days happen. Today was one of those days..and I didn't handle it very gracefully. So, I could list all the things that went wrong, or I could ruminate on how God uses bad days to bring us closer to him, or how the way I acted was the opposite of what he would have me do. But instead, I think I'll tell a joke. 

After a hard day of drilling, the drill sergeant let the troops go. "All right, you idiots, report to the mess hall." Everybody walked away, sweating and their heads down, thankful for the end of the hard day. Only one private remained. He looked at the officer and sincerely said, "Boy, there sure were a lot of them, huh, sarge."

On a completely different note, I've decided to go back to school, but I am torn between elementary education and linguistics. I'm ready to start now, but I can't yet. First I need to move to Memphis (U of M has the linguistics program I'm looking at) and establish residency (out-of-state tuition is double in-state!). Plus, I'm in the middle of paying off old student loans, and really don't want to add to them, but I may not have any choice. If I don't go back to school, I'll be stuck in jobs for the rest of my life that I'm just not that into. 

Speaking of jobs, I had an interview in Memphis yesterday. Finally. I've been trying to move there since Darin moved back there, because I miss him! Anyway, I think the interview went well, but they still have others to talk to. Prayers are appreciated for a job, school, etc! Thanks :)

Hope everyone else had a great day! And if not, hope the joke made you smile :)

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