Saturday, January 5, 2013

New Year, New Beginnings

I'm back! It's only been a year since my last blog post..thought I'd go ahead and write a new one anyway. Things have changed a lot since that last post. I got married!!! The wedding was fantastic, and the people involved were a huge blessing. We never could have done it without them. To everyone (you know who you are!) THANK YOU!!! Darin is still the God-send I mentioned he was when we got engaged. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me and I'm so thankful for him. Not sure how he puts up with me ;) I did get the promotion I was promised at work, but no pay raise. Then I was almost laid off, but survived that. Now those of us who stayed have taken on all the work of the ones who were laid off, so everyone is super stressed at work. And who knows how long I'll have a job now! So if anyone knows of anything..
So..I've decided I need a skill. I have been feeling kinda down lately, and while I think there might be several reasons behind it, the main one (and something I've dealt with off and on for a long time-years, perhaps) is that I just don't feel useful or good at anything. I can do some things so-so, but there's nothing I'm great at, and nothing I love. I need a hobby, preferably one that can be used for supplemental (and maybe someday more than supplemental) income. Darin has his art..he's amazing! And people want to pay him for it! And he enjoys it! And I have so many friends who do things that they love, and are good at, and that make them money..and I'm really jealous! So I've decided to do something about it. But I'm gonna need some help. 
I need ideas! And I need a teacher. I want to take a class, but I don't know what to take, and it has to be free or really, really cheap (I'll also accept donations toward the cost of a class :). Some things I've considered are crochet (which I can do a little now, but could really use some instruction), sewing (but I don't have a machine), jewelry making, ... etc. Help! What's your hobby? What do you love to do that I might enjoy? Especially if you're in the Memphis area and feel like teaching me for free or in exchange for dinner :) 
I'm sure there's a devotional thought in there somewhere..but I sure don't know what it is. So I'm just gonna throw out a passage from Philippians 4 that I need to remember more:

4Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

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