Friday, January 6, 2012

Goings On

*Note: I originally wrote this post in's been waiting for me to publish it since then..then a lot happened, so I'm updating it. :)

It's been a while since I wrote's been a bit overwhelming! I'm getting settled in, almost fully unpacked (finally! There are just so many little things that I don't know what to do with..), and am really happy to be here. I still miss friends in Searcy, and I'm a bit farther away from family, so that's hard, but I like it here. Work's been pretty stressful. After the first week or two having nothing to do but twiddle my thumbs and stare at the wall, I was given several new responsibilities at once and it took a while to figure them out! I spent some time crying in the bathroom, or at my desk, or at home, or on the drive home (you get the idea) because I was either terribly confused or had just been told I'd done another thing incorrectly. Thankfully, everyone here is still very nice and helpful, and when I thought I might be fired for messing up one too many times, I was told that everyone thinks I'm doing a great job and now it looks like I'll even be getting a  promotion! Who knew? So, it looks like God's still there, taking care of me, even though I'm super stressed. And because I'm so stressed and tired by the time I get home, I won't be taking my class this semester. I'm sad about it, because I was really excited to try something new and start learning again, but it's for the best that I put it off for a while. I'm also trying to make some new girlfriends. There are some nice people in my Sunday School class, and they've invited Darin and me (there are boys there too..they do boy stuff) to a couple of dinner/Pinterest (crafting) dinner parties. That's been pretty fun! Now, the good stuff! Darin and I celebrated our anniversary last Friday..we spent the day at the Pink Palace museum (he'd never been, I have and really like it), then got dressed up and had dinner at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse (super yummy!!!). After dinner, he proposed! He picked out a gorgeous ring all by himself :) It was super sweet and fun! We don't have a date yet, and we're not really planning yet, just trying to enjoy this part b/f it gets too stressful, but I definitely have some ideas floating around in my head! Fair warning: you may be asked to help in some small take some of the burden off of us, and to get as many people involved as we can to be part of our day! Just can't wait to marry that man..he's truly a God-send :) Hope everyone had a great holiday season. I sure did! :) Hope to hear from/see you all soon! Lots of love :)